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Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama conquests the world

Four hours and a half. That was the time necessary for the Group of the 20 (G-20) to resolve the problems of the world. Or at least some of them.

The British prime-minister, Gordon Brown, announced the main points of the final document of the summit conference of the G-20, that happened yesterday, in England. The group, that congregates the 19 richest countries of the world and the European Union , organized what is being called the “Declaration of London”, that promises to create a new world-wide order for “together, manage the globalization process”, keep the commitment of aid to the poor countries and to promote green economic recovery. A new meeting still must be carried through this year.

The inauguration of Barack Obama in the international circuit is being considered a success. Besides having separately negotiated with leaders of before difficult countries for the U.S.A., as Russia and China, he will be in a NATO meeting where they are going to try to reorganize the organization and make it more agile and capable to prevent conflicts in the future.

A far different vision of its predecessor, George W. Bush. Definitively a change in attitude that the Obama couple is bringing for the international scene. Therefore already it was only valid to the American people to have elect this president.

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